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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Have you ever seen Frazil Ice ?

Have you ever seen frazil ice ? In this video it shows you how frazil ice looks and in Yosemite falls Frazil ice only appears through March and April. Also the falls that produces the snowcone which is a huge pile of particle ice that falls off of the huge waterfall and creates this hige pile of ice that looks like a snowcone. It can be over hundreds of feet tall. Also in February the huge waterfall actually glows like a glowing fire fall or like lava floowing down. Frazil ice are these small crystals of frozen mist that forms in upper yosemite fall and lower yosemite falls. The particles of ice flow down the stream with the water making a kind of slushy type water that flows like volcano lava(or regular lava). The water is not snow and its not ice its like just in the middle. In my opinion Nature is so beautiful and pollution and gasses in the air just destroy all of this. To watch the video just go to this website ----->

Robotic Dog ?

Its crazy what people invent now-a-days. Like i just watched this video on and it was about a robotic dog. The video was called Completely autonomous robot: The Little Dog. And it showed you how it walked and how it kept balance. Also how it walked up stairs and bumpy hills. The robot dog is all black. To me the dog looks totally computer generated. Well know we know what scientists and people want to come up with. I think if they actually make the dog that they'll be able to make at least any animal.

Friday, May 21, 2010

BAD oil spill. Animals In Danger

So this summer is just gonna be Fantastic. She says Sarcastically.(: There' oil pouring and pouring into the ocean. There' animals washing up on shore dead. like sea turtles and fish. Poor Animals. Not only because of the oil spill but also because of pollution. Animals get tangled in garbage bags and eat plastic and they suffocate of they choke on the plastic. 15,000 tons of oiled spilled into the Mediterranean sea. It kills poor innocent animals and its horrible. So i heard in a couple of days the oil is gonna travel to the Keys in Florida. The keys is all about fishing and para sailing and the beaches and everything. Well there goes every ones summer. Well not mine. I'm going to be far away from were this leak is. So look at all this oil in the water. Its horrible And its going all around the oceans. Its soon gonna be All around the world. I think that they have to get a solution to this and clean out all the oceans, nobody wants to be swimming in all of this. I already hear people saying that the world is gonna come to an end. I wonder if its going to happen. I hope not. Me and my mom and my sister were all talking about it this morning before school saying that they took a gallon and dipped it in the water and brought up in the bucket all black...oil... This turtle covered in oil. its a horrible sight. I love animals and u hate seeing them abused or die from something that can be helped.

And this sea lion. I don't know about you but i think animals shouldn't suffer something that can be cleaned up and back to new.

Monday, May 17, 2010

lunch Timee !

Okkay so today in lunch i was sirtting withh <3 my bunnie <3 and my brother was sitting accross from us and he threw an apple and it split in half. So i threw half of it at him and it hit his Jackett Pockett. And so he picked it up off the floor and he threw it at me and it hit me... Somewhere. ): it hurt VERYY muchh and he was lughingg. I felt soooooo Baddd ! Ughh ! stupidd Brotherrrrrrrr ! ohh AND i wnated Cookiess ReaLLy badd and they didnt have anyy ! ): i was aboutt to Cry ! butt then i gott happy because my "Wifeee" *SPARKLESS* Gave me some of her HOTT Cheetoesss !

umm? Randomm... About friendss !

oh my gosh, this year is wayy different thenn the others. People say what they really think of you and that they never really were your friends. i really dont like whem people are just your friends or something to use yuo for your stuff or because it makes them seem cooler. Just because they arent like you doesnt make them all bad and everything... Anyways im withh this boy that my friend likes and i think they have been you knoo messingg around... well im not really sure and i really hope nott. Well she likes him and she has somebodyy. like really whatss the pointt ? Okkay back to myy storyy ! (: So i have thid friendd and her name is BooBoo and ive known her since i was Doss ! we are like Sisters and we can tell each other anythingg ! We tell eachother our problems and we try solving them together. ANd my ohter firends already told me what they really thought of me. ): well anywayss... i Gotts to goo ! blogg ya laterr. ! :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Animal Abuse. A sad Story...

Animal Abuse is a sad thing. People abuse and abandon their animals. They make their dogs fight and make them bleed. they sut off their ears adn their tails. The questions are why do you do thid and how do you think this makes the animal feel ? Like a dog. isnt a dog supposed to be a mans best friend? abusing him/her makes it fell like unimportant and it hurts. a dog is like a person but in a different form. I think animal Abusers should feel what its like being a dog that gets abused and abandoned and starverd to death. then they'll know what it feels like. Dont people hear the dogs pain in their howl when they hit them or bruise them... Bruises fade away but the pain lasts forever.

This is a picture of a dog that is just being abused. it hurts. when i saw this picture i almost cried.

People dont understand how much pain dogs and animals go through.

An owner putting a collar to tight then the dog growing and the collar cutting through its skin.

I think it hurts to much to the animals including they really cant do nothing back at all.

Look at this dog. Its sad. Wanna know what its from? its from dog fights. When people make their dog fight another you never know how much it hurts the dog and then after all the pain you made it suffer you may end up abandoning it.

And this dog. Probly abandoned and even worse seh had puppies to feed and take caer of. know shes dead. The puppies wont be able to take care of themselves and they may end up starvning to death.

So this cat has the same story as the dog. the collar was to tight and never loosened. Collar cut into the cats skin and then slit th e cats throat.
All of these poor animals suffer from abuse, Fights, Starvation and lots more. If you can help stop animal abuse try. Animals are almost exactly like humans. And they feel pain and have feelings just like we do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Friends ! (:

More about us craziess !

So this is the lovable outcast !

Or as we like to call her BooBoo. :D

So she is more rockerish, but i still gotta love er'

And she is"Chu Chii"

Know for my lil crazy Gothhic chickk.

And she is Almost the one and only Allie ! (:

Wow and on too my lil Skittless.

She is as Crazy as me and were almost Exactly the same !

So she is Sparkly in her own way.

And she is my Bestie *Sparkless*

And last but not least

she loves Nature, Animals, Rock music, and her Besties she even loves her haters.(:
Me ! :)))))
Well thats all my friends. including me !

ME !

Okay so i forgot to introduce myself. so they be shouting Squishy, Elmo, Hawaii, and/or Green eyes ! i am absolutely new to this blogging stuff and so far it is totally awesome and very fun ! well i got my girls Boo Boo, Chu Chi, Allie, Sparkles, and the bestest of em' all Skittles ! They all are my:
Pop to My tart
Star to my Burst
Sun in the Dark
But most importantly they are my home to my Skillie Biscuit ! (:
i love these girls to death and i would lose it if i lost any of them. Okay so there's this place called the dark side. You should really join. Heard they have these awesome cookies ! (:

My Buddies !

So i have this friend and his name is Girr (Like my dragon) [Everybody's name is know Girr (:]. And he always wants waffles and pancakes. He is a Robot in a costume, a doggie costume. He is the most cutest thing ! Well Robot. And he has this friend and his name is Jack. Jack Skellington. He is awesome too !

Follow me ! please ?

Everybody come and follow me ! if you follow me you will join the dark side and we have awesomely awesome cookiesssss ! :)(: :)(:

A Dragon Named Girr

A dragon named Girr!

So, some day an animal told me Girr, then I asked him what does that mean. And so he told me well that means I Love You in Dragon. I giggled and told him well Rawwr to you to Mister Dragon. As soon as he started walking away I yelped “WAITT!!” and he said well what’s the problem little lady? As I said well I never got your name and you never got mine. He said well then what’s your name? I said it was Makayla. Then Mister Dragon had said well what a wonderful name! He soon handed me an egg and said my name is Eragon. I want you to keep this and make it live forever Eragon had said. Well what is it? I had said. It’s something that will live forever and help you through the bad Eragon said.

5 months later

And so I kept the egg in my room not knowing what it was. Until one dark night all you heard were cracking noises… “Crack!! Crack!!” That night the egg had hatched! I was surprised by what I saw. It was a Baby Dragon!!! I soon named him Girr. And he knew I was his dragon rider. So as years passed I learned more about him and he began to grow he even learned how to fly. So I learned how to ride him and people started noticing him around. I needed protection so people wouldn’t hurt me or him. I knew there were others out there that would want to have a death challenge. The death challenge is when the other dragon riders want to kill you. If they kill you you're dragon dies too. If they kill you're dragon you stay alive. Back to my dragon story. So one day Girr and I were riding out on a nice bright day as soon as you see spears come flying at us. We then new that we weren’t safe.