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Monday, May 17, 2010

umm? Randomm... About friendss !

oh my gosh, this year is wayy different thenn the others. People say what they really think of you and that they never really were your friends. i really dont like whem people are just your friends or something to use yuo for your stuff or because it makes them seem cooler. Just because they arent like you doesnt make them all bad and everything... Anyways im withh this boy that my friend likes and i think they have been you knoo messingg around... well im not really sure and i really hope nott. Well she likes him and she has somebodyy. like really whatss the pointt ? Okkay back to myy storyy ! (: So i have thid friendd and her name is BooBoo and ive known her since i was Doss ! we are like Sisters and we can tell each other anythingg ! We tell eachother our problems and we try solving them together. ANd my ohter firends already told me what they really thought of me. ): well anywayss... i Gotts to goo ! blogg ya laterr. ! :D