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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Animal Abuse. A sad Story...

Animal Abuse is a sad thing. People abuse and abandon their animals. They make their dogs fight and make them bleed. they sut off their ears adn their tails. The questions are why do you do thid and how do you think this makes the animal feel ? Like a dog. isnt a dog supposed to be a mans best friend? abusing him/her makes it fell like unimportant and it hurts. a dog is like a person but in a different form. I think animal Abusers should feel what its like being a dog that gets abused and abandoned and starverd to death. then they'll know what it feels like. Dont people hear the dogs pain in their howl when they hit them or bruise them... Bruises fade away but the pain lasts forever.

This is a picture of a dog that is just being abused. it hurts. when i saw this picture i almost cried.

People dont understand how much pain dogs and animals go through.

An owner putting a collar to tight then the dog growing and the collar cutting through its skin.

I think it hurts to much to the animals including they really cant do nothing back at all.

Look at this dog. Its sad. Wanna know what its from? its from dog fights. When people make their dog fight another you never know how much it hurts the dog and then after all the pain you made it suffer you may end up abandoning it.

And this dog. Probly abandoned and even worse seh had puppies to feed and take caer of. know shes dead. The puppies wont be able to take care of themselves and they may end up starvning to death.

So this cat has the same story as the dog. the collar was to tight and never loosened. Collar cut into the cats skin and then slit th e cats throat.
All of these poor animals suffer from abuse, Fights, Starvation and lots more. If you can help stop animal abuse try. Animals are almost exactly like humans. And they feel pain and have feelings just like we do.