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Friday, May 21, 2010

BAD oil spill. Animals In Danger

So this summer is just gonna be Fantastic. She says Sarcastically.(: There' oil pouring and pouring into the ocean. There' animals washing up on shore dead. like sea turtles and fish. Poor Animals. Not only because of the oil spill but also because of pollution. Animals get tangled in garbage bags and eat plastic and they suffocate of they choke on the plastic. 15,000 tons of oiled spilled into the Mediterranean sea. It kills poor innocent animals and its horrible. So i heard in a couple of days the oil is gonna travel to the Keys in Florida. The keys is all about fishing and para sailing and the beaches and everything. Well there goes every ones summer. Well not mine. I'm going to be far away from were this leak is. So look at all this oil in the water. Its horrible And its going all around the oceans. Its soon gonna be All around the world. I think that they have to get a solution to this and clean out all the oceans, nobody wants to be swimming in all of this. I already hear people saying that the world is gonna come to an end. I wonder if its going to happen. I hope not. Me and my mom and my sister were all talking about it this morning before school saying that they took a gallon and dipped it in the water and brought up in the bucket all black...oil... This turtle covered in oil. its a horrible sight. I love animals and u hate seeing them abused or die from something that can be helped.

And this sea lion. I don't know about you but i think animals shouldn't suffer something that can be cleaned up and back to new.